02 January 2009


I always watch some sci-fi on New Year's Eve. It's sort of a tradition for me. I didn't intend to stay up until midnight this year, but Aaron was gone, the kids were in bed, and Netflix had season 2 & 3 of the new Dr. Who on instant watch. I was up until 2 AM...

I like the fun science fiction, not the really scary horror stuff. I enjoy Star Trek TOS, Star Wars, Dr. Who, Stargate, you know, the stuff that's a little weird and slightly creepy, but mostly just fun. I grew up watching Star Trek every night with my Dad, and Dr. Who every Saturday with him. Maybe it's nostalgia that attracts me to them. Well, that and an interesting story line. I seriously wonder if ANYONE can write a decent plot anymore... But I digress.

I found myself quite wrapped up in the adventures of the tenth Doctor. David Tennant is a great actor, and plays the role really well. My favorite episodes are those written by T. Russell Davies, one of the old Dr. Who writers. Long-time fans will readily recognize his name. It was quite fun to see the differences and similarities between the new and the old Dr. Who that I used to watch.

I wonder if my kids will want to sit on the couch and watch science fiction with me someday. Interesting the memories that we carry with us into adulthood.

Another great show is the original Twilight Zone. The episode "The Obsolete Man" is quite good. You can watch it online at http://www.cbs.com/classics/the_twilight_zone/video/video.php?cid=649555532&pid=VL5KIZDUNVaYHT24eg1rYVbPBkWVhryg&play=true
It is well worth watching! Aaron and I were quite amazed at the amount of the Bible that was read during the episode. Sadly, you would not find it on network TV today. Another sign of the end times I imagine. At less than half an hour, it doesn't take long to watch.

I find it sad that our society has come in such a short time from openly acknowledging and thanking God, to ignoring Him, and now, to outright opposing Him. This bodes ill for our nation, and we will most certainly be judged because of it.

Even the older science fiction is quite steeped in humanism, unfortunately. In the realm of the written word there is the occasional work of science fiction written by a Christian that is quite good, but they are few and far between. Seeing much of the new sci-fi that exists is frightening to me, as it becomes more and more steeped in demonic activity and such. I feel sad for the teens today who accept it and become pulled into the evil that they see poytrayed in a positive light.

Then again, what are we to expect when we openly declare war on God. What a futile, foolish thing to do, but Satan has convinced us to join him in opposing God. His lies never really change, and without the influence of the Holy Spirit giving us discernment, we fall for them over and over again. Is it any wonder that Jesus repeatedly told his disciples, "Do not be decieved"? I pray that God will grant his followers a greater measure of discernment this year, as our time on Earth draws rapidly to a close. I agree wholeheartedly with the words of John at the end of Revelation. Even so, come LORD Jesus. Come soon.

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