23 April 2009

You’re Doing WHAT With Those T-shirts?!

If you weren't sure by now, then you will be after reading this post. I am CRAZY!

I saw a video tutorial online that was demonstrating how to cut t-shirts into long strips to be used as yarn. Someone suggested using the t-shirt yarn for a rug. I thought that it was a FANTASTIC idea! I ran up to Aaron's dresser and pulled out the three white t-shirts in his top drawer. I asked him, "How many t-shirts do you need?" He told me that one would probably suffice since he doesn't wear button-down shirts often. I gleefully snipped two white t-shirts, and went looking for more… I discovered that I had a number of t-shirts that were worn or the wrong size. They quickly fell victim to my scissors. At that point, I had a basketball sized ball of t-shirt yarn. I remembered a pattern in the Mason-Dixon Knitting book for a spiral rug knit out of fabric strips, perfect! I cast on and began knitting away. I'm still not sure how big I will make this rug. I'll probably knit on it until I get sick of knitting t-shirts! It will be an easy enough thing to continue adding more strips of t-shirts as I keep knitting. Who knows, maybe I'll wind up with a nice room-sized rug. Maybe I'll wind up with a welcome mat.


p&k said...

I hope you're planning on posting pictures of the finished product. I think that a t-shirt yarn knitted rug sounds like it has a lot of potential for a unique and very cool outcome. (But how do you know I'm not crazy too? You can never be sure.)

Millerfamilychronicles said...

You both could be crazy...I think that option has potential:) Sounds very cool but I still can't visualize how using cotton t-shirts wouldn't be VERY difficult to knit?? How teeny tiny did you have to cut the strips?

Teish said...

I should post photos when it's done! I don't know when that will be, since I'm still collecting t-shirts, LOL! I actually cut the strips about an inch and a half wide. I'm knitting it up on very large needles. It's tiring for my hands, but knits up VERY fast. Since it's a rug, I wanted it really thick. It may wind up being just a small rug, time will tell!